Saturday, November 20, 2010
Kavi Dalpatram, Akha Bhagat

As a result of the walk, many houses and public places were restored. It also inspired many others to participate in the heritage activity. Two of Gujarat's eminent poets' houses were also restored. This restoration of both Kavi Dalapatram's house and Akha Bhagat's house opened a space of interaction between communities and also a space for performance. Two beautiful statues of the poet's are being put up at the respective houses. These statues stand as a grandfather figure for kids.
Festivity and Events: Heritage Walk

Diversity of faith, language, customs, beliefs, architecture, art and a variety of visual and performing culture build a certain context of cityscape. The personality and character of a city is the result of centuries of growth in the course of which new elements are constantly juxtaposed with the older ones. The processes of urbanization tend to marginalize the inner city areas that embody the heritage aspects not only of the buildings but also of a certain lived experience.
The urban living makes the city too familiar to notice anything extraordinary about it. People pass by the beautiful heritage buildings everyday in a hurry to reach their offices or schools without noticing them. Heritage walk is a tool to explore the unexplored and neglected richness of the city. It plays an important role for the development of history and character of the city through generating interests and involvement of the local community in the urban conservation activity. In Ahmedabad, a heritage walk has been going on from Swaminarayan Kalupur Mandir to Jumma Mosque for more last ten years. Every time during Heritage Festival, this walk introduces some additions to it. In 2008, a special walk for deaf and dumb students was organized.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Ahmedabad Heriatage Festival 2010

More than a decade ago, on 19th November, 1996, on the eve of the World Heritage Week, residence of desai ni pol in Khadia in the walled city of Ahmedabad, in association with Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, initiated the celebration of the World Heritage Week. It was a beginning of a unique revival process where citizens and the city administrators came together to work to preserve the characteristic of the city. Later many organizations and media jumped in to celebrate city's Heritage. The Festival is an initiative to bring many of these unique efforts together that connects people to their past. The festival will commence on 19th November, 2010.

Thursday, November 11, 2010
બોલિવૂડમાં પતિ કરતાં પત્ની આગળ છે...!

ભારત પુરૂષ પ્રધાન દેશ રહ્યો છે. તેમાં પણ બોલિવૂડમાં પુરૂષ પ્રધાન વાળી વાત બરાબર લાગુ પડે છે. બોલિવૂડમાં ઘણાં વર્ષો સુધી હિરોલોગનું સામ્રાજ્ય ચાલતું રહ્યું હતું. જો કે હવે સમય બદલાઈ ગયુ છે. હવે હિરોને બદલે હિરોઈનોનું રાજ પ્રવર્તુ હોય તેમ લાગે છે. બોલિવૂડમાં પતિ કરતાં પત્નીઓ આગળ ચાલી રહી છે. બોલિવૂડ પત્નીઓને એવોર્ડ્સથી લઈને પાવરફૂલ ભૂમિકા પણ સારી રીતે મળી રહી છે. તેઓ રાષ્ટ્રીય સ્તરે જ નહિ પરંતુ આંતરરાષ્ટ્રીય સ્તરે પણ ખાસ્સી એવી પ્રસિદ્ઘ થઈ છે.
સૌ પહેલા ઐશ્વર્યા રાય બચ્ચન અને અભિષેક બચ્ચનની વાત કરીએ તો એશ ભારતમાં જ નહિ દુનિયાભરમાં લોકપ્રિય છે. અભિષેક હજી પણ પોતાની આગાવી ઈમેજ ઉભી કરવામાં નિષ્ફળ રહ્યો છે. અભિ હજી પણ સંઘર્ષ કરી રહ્યો છે. જો કે એશ અભિ કરતાં ઘણી જ આગળ વધી ગઈ છે. અભિ એશના પતિ કે પછી અમિતાભના પુત્ર તરીકે ઓળખાય છે. અભિ-એશની ફિલ્મ રાવણ બોક્સ ઓફિસ પર સુપરફ્લોપ ગઈ હતી. તેમ છતાં એશને ફિલ્મો મળતી રહી છે. એશની આગામી ફિલ્મ ગુઝારિશ રીલિઝ થવાની તૈયારીમાં છે. આ ફિલ્મમાં એશ ઘણી જ સુંદર લાગી રહી છે.
ફરાહ ખાન અને શીરીષ કુન્દ્રર વાત કરવામાં આવે તો દુનિયા માત્રને માત્ર ફરાહને જ ઓળખે છે. જો કે તેઓનું લગ્નજીવન સુખમય રીતે પસાર થઈ રહ્યું છે. તેઓની વચ્ચે ઘણી જ સમજણ છે.
મલાઈકા અરોરા અને અરબાઝ ખાન બંને અલગ અલગ વ્યક્તિત્વ ધરાવે છે. મલાઈકા સેક્સ સિમ્બોલની ઈમેજ ધરાવે છે. અરબાઝને ઘણાં જ ઓછા લોકો ઓળખે છે. અરબાઝ અભિનેતા તરીકે નિષ્ફળ નીવડ્યો છે. જ્યારે મલાઈકા આઈટમ સોન્ગ દ્વારા પોતાની અલગ ઓળખ બનાવી છે. મુન્ની બદનામ હુઈ ગીત દ્વારા મલાઈકા લોકપ્રિય થઈ છે. આ સિવાય છૈયા છૈયા ગીતથી પણ મલાઈકા ખાસ્સી પ્રસિદ્ધ થઈ હતી. તેમ છતાંય મલાઈકા અને અરબાઝના સંબંધોને કોઈ આંચ આવી નથી.
અર્ચના પુરણસિંહ અને પરમીત શેઠીએ પણ પોતાની કરિયર અને ઘરસંસારમાં યોગ્ય સમતુલન જાળવ્યું છે. અર્ચના ટીવી હોસ્ટ તરીકે ખાસ્સી લોકપ્રિય છે. તે હાલમાં કોમેડી સર્કસ તરીકે વધારે લોકપ્રિય છે. પરમીત શેઠીએ યશરાજ બેનર હેઠળ બદમાશ કંપનીનું દિગ્દર્શન કર્યુ હતું પરંતુ આ ફિલ્મ ફ્લોપ રહી છે. પરમીત આજે પણ અર્ચનાના પતિ તરીકે જ ઓળખાય છે.
બોલિવૂડમાં હાલમાં મહિલાઓનો દબગબો રહ્યો હોવા છતાંય તેમના લગ્નજીવનને કોઈ જ જાતની આંચ આવી નથી. જો કે આ મહિલાઓ તેમના પતિના સાથ વગર ક્યારેય આટલી આગળ આવી શકત નહિ. માટે આપણે કહેવું જોઈએ કે, દરેક સફળ સ્ત્રીની પાછળ એક પુરૂષનો હાથ છે.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Safe Diwali Celebrations: Fire-Safety Tips For Kids With Fireworks

Diwali, the festival of lights, brings fun and togetherness. For children, fireworks, new clothes and sweets make this festival the most eagerly awaited of the year.
Unfortunately, injuries from fireworks spoil the fun for many families – and though Diwali is a holiday for most of us, fire departments and hospitals around the country are on constant alert to tackle the various mishaps.
Each year brings a fresh crop of cases involving loss of eyesight and serious burns and injuries caused by fireworks. Most of these cases involve children.
- On the 5th day of Diwali 2008, a 5-month-old girl in New Delhi was struck in the forehead by an aerial shell that was launched sideways
- In Mumbai, an 8-year-old boy picked up a firecracker that had been thrown on the ground. It exploded in his hands, lodging particles in his eye
The horror stories abound…
Ignorance And Carelessness Cause Disaster
Freak accidents like these invariably occur when kids are allowed to play with fireworks unattended. The most common reason is wrong handling of fireworks.
Parents need to take some precautions to avoid such tragedies. For instance, it is extremely important to know the difference between a legal consumer firework and a dangerous explosive device.
The latter can cause serious injury or even death. Both parents and their children need to stay away from anything that is not clearly labeled and does not display the manufacturer’s name and instructions for proper use.
Fundamentally, children MUST understand that fireworks are not toys, that they burn at approximately the same temperature as a household match and that they can ignite clothes and cause burns and injuries if used improperly.
Parents must never allow young children to handle fireworks without close adult supervision. Even seemingly harmless sparklers and ‘flower pots’ can be dangerous for very young kids, especially to those under age five.
Most of these and similar non-explosive fireworks can create havoc if lighted in busy areas. Rockets can shoot off into non-intended directions to injure people and even enter homes to set things inside on fire.
Fireworks Safety Tips For Kids
We often do not realise the potential danger, and therefore ignore even the most rudimentary precautions. Caution and proper care can ensure a safe and fun-filled Diwali – it all boils down to a few simple dos and don’ts.
- Supervise children while they light fireworks
- Make them light fireworks outside the house
- Have them hold sparklers away from the body
- Keep ‘flower pots’ and ‘chakras’ on even, flat ground while lighting them
- Have them light up rockets only on open ground
- Ensure proper distance from the fireworks away at a distance while they are lighting them
- Make sure they are wearing closed footwear and close-fitting clothes of thick material (instead of loose or flowing garments) while lighting fireworks
- Keep a water bucket and burn ointment (or aloe vera gel) handy
- Check the area before igniting fireworks to ensure that no inflammable materials are near
- Ensure they light only one firework at a time
- Discard used fireworks in a bucket of water
- Let them bend over fireworks while lighting them, or approach them if in doubt about whether they are live or not
- Let them light fireworks while holding them in hand
- Let them keep extra fireworks in pockets
- Let them wear Nylon clothes – cotton is safest while lighting crackers
- Let them try to light used fireworks
- Let them light firecrackers with a matchstick, but rather a candle of agarbatti – this ensures sufficient distance between their hands and the cracker
- Let them use fireworks indoors
- Let them put fireworks into any container before lighting them up
- Let them mix anything with the contents of fireworks or make fireworks at home
- Let them ignite aerial fireworks where overhead obstruction (trees, wires, etc.) or even heavy wind exist
- Let them throw or point fireworks at other people
Finally, Diwali is a family festival – it should be a source of joy for everyone, including kids. But these small but important steps can ensure that the Festival of Lights does not bring darkness into your lives.