Thursday, February 24, 2011
Tattoo Sleeves: The latest craze in body art

The most recent craze in body art is the tattoo sleeves with printed designs. Now you don’tneed to actually tattoo your arm and go through all the pain involved. Get yourself the latest tattoo sleeve and wear it daily without any difficulty and comfortably. You can wear it on onearm or both the arms. The choice is absolutely yours.
This tattoo sleeve is skin tight and takes up the natural shape of our arm. The nylon mesh isinvisible and it shows off the natural tome of your skin. No pain, no needle, plus no permanent body art. So, go ahead and get one for yourself today. Go to the party or night club with the most fashionable look with the tattoo sleeves.
Here are some of the uses and benefits of using tattoo sleeves:
1. They are easy to use and quite comfortable also.
2. Easy maintenance. It can be washed at home in cold water and takes just no time in drying.
3. Available in one size that fits all.
4. Can be sued as stocking also.
5. Great item to gift your teenage daughter or son to keep him or her away from getting tattoo.
6. No health risks involved.
7. You can actually wear different tattoo sleeves on different occasions.
8. Cost effective. In comparison to getting tattoo on your arm, tattoo sleeves cost you much lower than that. Plus removal of actual is again an expensive affair. Hence, its cost effectiveness is quite worthy.
9. Makes you look trendy
Tattoo is quite popular these days. But getting a tattoo is a tough and painful procedure. With the upsurge in the popularity of tattoo sleeves, you canalso look like rock stars.
10. Variety in designs.
Tattoo sleeves enable you to choose from the many options available as per your mood, occasion, attire and above all, the budget. Starting from floral designs to tribal art, tattoo sleeves are available in endless designs.
11. What’s more!
You can support your favorite sport team with their insignia during a sport event.
Tips for skin care while weight loss and dieting

To attain the dream figure, weight loss and dieting are practiced by most of us. But if weight loss or a diet program is not followed in a healthy way it might land up in skin and hair problems. Usually crash diets and starving leads to skin damage, hair fall, dark circles, skin sagging, wrinkles. Thus, a weight loss program should be a well balanced and healthy routine accompanied with good exercises.
Here are some of the guidelines that might help in skin care during the weight loss program-
Drink lots of Water
The most important secret for a healthy and glowing skin is to keep it hydrated. Drink minimum of 8-10 glasses of water in a day.
Eat healthy
Dieting never means starving but to eat in a healthy and well balanced way. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, salads, sprouts and fiber rich food.
Follow a skin schedule
Always follow the skin schedule of cleaning, toning and moisturizing. Skin should be moisturized and skin tightening face packs should be applied to avaoid any sagging due to lack of nutrition. Use honey and eggs in face masks as they help in skin tightening.
Take proper supplements
As while dieting we cut down on food, thus it is very important to take all supplements in form of vitamins, antioxidants to keep your body fit.