Society has always relied on transportation to stay alive .. Along with the advancement of transportation came maps to mark the locations of routes taken between cities and important locations. one invention developed to expand the reach was the bridge... and Tday cept was start the 3 days trainning programme... where they offer the verious different lecture.
The earliest bridges were based on anything seen in nature such as fallen tree and eroded earth or rocks. they were developed to provide a safe crossing for people, originally on foot but later on anomal back and then mechanized transportation , to travel from one prominent city of industrial strength to another..
The trainning programme will provide the know how and tools for efficient and economical designs of bridge structures. It will cover the aspects related to planning, design, procurement,construction and maintenanece of bridges along with the latest development in construction technology.
So hope so in very soon ahmedabad Will get the international designd bridge and construction...
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